Edit Project Settings
The project settings will enable you to change several project-wide setup parameters.You find them in the left hand menu.
Below is a description of what each of the available choices do:
- Classification Number Separator: The symbol you want to use between the numbers in each level of classification, eg. the spaces used in the Omniclass classifications (21-02 20 50, where 21-02, 20 and 50 are on separate levels) or the points used in TFM classifications (01.02.05 where 01, 02 and 05 are on different levels)
- Default running number length for systems: Number of digits used on running numbers
- Enable Graphic function planner: Activates Graphical Function Planner. The graphical function planner is not shown on the project if the box is not marked.
- File Service- Max File Size:The maximum size of documents in megabytes.
- Use Change List (Function Data): Force to log change list
- Function Program Label width: The width of the background text in the function program
- Hide Function Data: If checked, will hide the Function Data Module
- Hide User Data in homepage: Hides the list of users in active project that may be displayed on the right side of the homepage