Edit Template Settings
- Enable item list templates: Specifies whether item list templates can be used for the database.
- Enable Room Data templates: Specifies whether Room Data templates can be used for the database.
- Enable finish templates: Specifies whether Room Data templates can be used for the database.
- Finishes template prefix: Prefix used on finishes templates.
- Finishes template length: How many digits to use in the template number.
- Finishes template separator: What character should separate the prefix and number.
- Room Data template prefix: Prefix used in front of number.
- Room Data template length: How many digits to use in the Room Data template number.
- Room Data template separator: Separator used between prefix and number.
- Room template prefix: Prefix used in front of number.
- Room template length: How many digits to use in the number.
- Room template separator: Separator used between prefix and number.