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Minimum on-premise server requirements

Hardware and software requirements and recommendations for on-premise dRofus servers

Recommended Hardware

Project installation

  • 2 CPU cores
  • 16 GB RAM (or more)
  • 100GB fast disk (SAS 15K) (RAID-0 or RAID-10) in addition to the OS disk.
  • 200GB free disk space for Backups 

Enterprise installation

  • 4 CPU cores
  • 32 GB RAM (or more)
  • 300GB fast disk (SAS 15K RAID-0 or RAID-10 / SSD) in addition to the OS disk.
  • 400 GB free disk space for Backups

Software Requirements

dRofus will be installed on Liunx Debian stable release. For on-premis servers you can provide us with a SSH access to an fresh Debian OS installation so we can continue the installation. 

For closed servers, Debian with the necessary software installed will be provided on a disk image. Please privde us with the type of virualization system you are using (e.g. Hyper-V, VMWare), the IP address the server should have, a fully quantified domain name, and optional SSL certificates

Domain names and SSL

For a full installation you must add the following DNS records to point to your server(s)

Domain nameDescription
drofus.[yourdomain]Database. This is the server the user will enter into the client to connect to
adm.drofus.[yourdomain]Adminsitration system for drofus. The admin users will use this address to connect to the web based administration system.
web.drofus.[yourdomain]Web application for drofus. Users will use this address to connect to the web application.
api.drofus.[yourdomain]API. Techincal users will use this to connect to the project API
doc.drofus.[yourdomain]Service that  stores document in drofus. Users do not use this address directly
ids.drofus.[yourdomain]Identity server for drofus web/api. Users will not use this address directly but will be redirected to it. 
reports.drofus.[yourdomain]Report server. User will not use this directly but redirected to it. 

and provide a wildchar certificate for drofus.[yourdomain] or seperate certificates for each domain. You should make sure that the DNS resolution both works on internal and external network with the same names if that is applicable. 


You must open the following incoming ports to the server

5432Database / PostgreSQLFor anybody that should have access to dRofus with the client application or addins
443HTTPSFor everybody that should have access to dRofus


Both should be open from IP netmask
Enables dRofus to administrate/update and monitor the server(s)

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