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1. Quick Search

The quick search function is located in the top of the Navigation panel. It is s free text field where you can insert your search criteria.

1.1 Room

The quick search for rooms can search for:

  • Keywords in Room name

  • Room name description

  • Room number

  • User room number

  • Room function number. 

If you search for "office", the result will include "Office workplace", "Workplace, office" etc. If you search for "01", the result will be rooms which for example have room function number "01.01.001" or "02.03.012" or geographic number "042101". The search result can be seen in the Room panel.

1.2 Item module

The quick search in the Item module can search in properties on Items, occurrences and products.

Summary of what you can search for;


  • Item Number

  • Name

  • BIM ID

  • Number

  • Referance


  • Number


  • Number

  • Name

  • Model

  • Manufacturer: Name

  • Supplier: Name

1.3 System Module

  • Number

  • Name

  • System component: Number

To see the result for Occurrences or Product you need activate the panel at the left:

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