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Solibri Extension and Firewall

This is information to your company’s IT resource.

On PCs running behind a firewall solution with SSL-inspection capabilities (eg. ZScalar or Umbrella), users must import CA of the firewall to the list of already existing and known CAs inside Solibri’s Java certificate store, as Solibri ships with its version of Java.

This will allow dRofus extension to reach dRofus servers from within Solibri.


  1. You must get the Root Certificate (.crt file) of the firewall solution used in your organization.

  2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator, and run the following commands in it:

cd C:\Program Files\Solibri\SOLIBRI\jre\lib\security

"C:\Program Files\Solibri\SOLIBRI\jre\bin\keytool.exe" -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -cacerts -alias CustomCACertificate -file "path\to\your\certificate.crt"

The second command will ask for a password for the cacert, the default password is changeit

  1. To verify that the certificate has been added:

"C:\Program Files\Solibri\SOLIBRI\jre\bin\keytool.exe" -list -v -cacerts -alias CustomCACertificate

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