Copy and Move Rooms
1. Copy Room by using the Ribbon Menu or Right Click menu:
Select Room

2. Select Copy Room from the ribbon menu or right click menu. The window bellow will appear:

3. Select room location
4. Selet how many copies of the room
When Copy room all Room data including the Item lists will be copied. The Items in the Item list(s) will be treated like separate occurrences. It is an option to merge two item lists on two separate rooms. For more information on merging Items refer: Merge Items in Room
2. Copy or move Room by Drag and drop
Copy one or multiple Rooms from one Function/Sub-Function to another by using drag and drop . Select the Room(s) you want to copy and drag them to the new Function/Sub-Function.
Select copy:
A dialogue box will appear which asks if the original Room should be marked as deleted. If this option is not ticked the original rooms will still be active in the Function/Sub-Function where it existed.

Select Move:
If you do not want a copy of the Room in the previous location. Note that the Room ID will remain unchanged when relocating rooms using this method. The Room function number will update depending on the Function location it is moved to.