Delete and reactivate deleted Rooms
Mark room as deleted
Mark room as deleted is available for all users with write access to rooms.

Select Room
Select “Marked as deleted” from the ribbon menu or Right Click menu. Window bellow will appear:

3. Select “Yes” and window will appear:

4. Optional: Enter a lognote which describes why the room is marked as deleted.
5. Select “Ok”
Display Deleted Rooms in the Room List

Select “Include Deleted Rooms” from the Room section in the ribbon menu.
Rooms that are marked as deleted will be displayed in the Room list as red. Rooms that are marked as deleted will:
Keep all room properties, such as areas, numbers and name. However areas will be filtered out in area overviews and reports in the database.
Keep all room logs so you can track history of these rooms.
All additional data such as Room Data, Item lists and finishes will be deleted.
The rooms' designed area will be set to zero
Can at a later stage be reactivated in the project. Select Reactivate room from the Room section in the ribbon menu to reactivate room. The room will again be part of the project.
Permanently delete rooms
Rooms can be permanently deleted. This action requires that the user has administration access to the database. Delete room permanently is available from the Rooms section in the ribbon menu.

If multiple rooms need to be deleted at once, select a room + Shift to select multiple rooms. The room and all attached data will be permanently deleted from the database.
Reactivate Deleted Rooms

Rooms that is marked as deleted can be reactivated by:
Select to include deleted rooms in the Item list
Select deleted Room (marked in red)
Select “Reactivate room” from the Ribbon menu
List of deleted Rooms can be hidden by selecting “Hide deleted Rooms” in the ribbon menu