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dRofus Panel and Ribbon

The dRofus Panel shows the status of elements selected in the model (Zones or Objects) in terms of their relations with the corresponding Rooms or Items in dRofus.

It also provides an interface for changing that status (for e.g. - linking and unlinking Zones or Objects) as well as various Action Icons (for e.g. - Open in dRofus Client, Open in dRofus Web etc.)

This panel does not appear automatically the first time you run ArchiCAD. You will need to explicitly engage it using the dRofus Dropdown Menu:

The dRofus Panel will then show up with the option to Login as follows:

The dRofus Ribbon provides an interface for switching on and off the dRofus Panel, activating the Model Equipment dialog and activating the Place Room Mode.

This floating or docked ribbon does not appear automatically the first time you run ArchiCAD. You will need to explicitly engage it by clicking on Place Room Mode within the dRofus Dropdown Menu:

The dRofus Ribbon will be made available for you to then dock anywhere you like:

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