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Legacy Log in

The legacy login method information is required:

User name/password: You will have received a personal user name/password from dRofus or the project administrator via email.

Do not enter another person's user name/password or allow other users access to your user name/password. Unique user identification is required for security purposes and the program provides functionality according to user specific rights. Additionally, the amendment log entries are based upon your private identity.

Once you have logged in, you are able to change your password by going to the menu from Settings -> Change password. Or go to  to generate a new password (if forgotten).

Server: This is the IP address or name of the server to which you want to connect.

Please refer to the server information in the email you received when you were set up as a user in the project.

Database: This is the name of the project database you want to log in to. You will have received this information together with your user name/password. The list of database projects will be in alphabetic order.

Please remember that you have to remain connected to the Internet at all times when using the program.

Remember password: dRofus will remember your password so you don't have to re-type it.

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