Revit Family Instances to Planned Occurrences
By clicking on the little triangles (highlighted) within the Items in Room Window, you can expand the row (representing a single Family Type / Item) to display all of the Family instances / Item occurrences for that particular Type placed in the model and / or planned in dRofus. The Items can either be linked / matched or unmatched. If the Items are linked / matched, both instances placed in the model as well as occurrences planned in dRofus are located on the same line. It is possible to ungroup matched / unmatched instances by selecting the "Ungroup" button within the grouped row. This enables these individual items to be synchronized and any quantity mismatches can be fixed by modifying the quantity of either placed Family instances or planned Item occurrences:
If a Family instance is not shown together with an Item occurrence, you can link by selecting the "Link" button within the row and then selecting the occurrence that you would like to link it to. In other words, specific Family instances can be matched to specific Item occurrences.
It is also possible to unlink matched instances by selecting the "Unlink" button within the grouped row. This can be particularly useful if you decide to (for example) link a Family instance to a different Item occurrence or to regroup them.