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Calculated Attribute Formats





Returns the sum of two numeric operands. (Addition)

{0} + {1} ~ 0:1, 1:4 = 5


Returns the difference of two numeric operands. (Subtraction)

{0} - 4 ~ 0:10 = 6


Returns the product of two numeric operands. (Multiplication)

{0} * {1} ~ 0:2, 1:3 = 6


Returns the quotient of two numeric operands. (Division)

if ( {1} = 0, 0, {0} / {1} ) ~ 0:9, 1:3 = 3
Note: You need the IF part to avoid dividing by zero.


Indicates whether both operands are true.

{0} < 10 and {0} > 0 ~ 0:5 = True


Indicates whether either or both operands are true.

{0} < 2 or {0} >5 ~ 0:8 = True


Returns true if the logical operand is false.

not ({0} < 0) ~ 0:-5 = False


Indicates whether the left operand is equal to the right operand.

{0} = 4 ~ 0:4 = True


Indicates whether the left operand is not equal to the right operand.

{0} != {1} ~ 0:2, 1:4 = True


Indicates whether the left operand is less than the right operand.

{0} < 0 ~ 0:2 = False


Indicates whether the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand.

{0} <=2 ~ 0:2 = True


Indicates whether the left operand is greater than the right operand.

{0} > 0 ~ 0:8 = True


Indicates whether the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand.

{0} >= 5 ~ 0:10 = True


Returns a value based on a condition

if ( {0} % {1} = 0, ‘Yes’, ‘No’ ) ~ 0:4, 1:2 = Yes


Returns whether an element is in a list of values.

in ( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} ) ~ 0:7, 1:4, 2:7, 3:9 = True

In the example above, the first declared argument '{0}' is the value you want to evaluate, in this example, the number '7' as defined by the '0:7' after the (~).
The remaining arguments '{1},{2},{3}' define the list that {0} will be evaluated against.
In this case, the values are 4, 7, 9, since our initial value is '7' the function will return 'True' since 7 is included in the list we are evaluating against.


Returns true if the operand is null.

isNull ( {0} ) ~ 0: = True


Returns a slice of the provided text. The slice is decided by a start position and optional end position, starting from 0.

substring ( {0, 7) ~ 0:Doctor Rofus = Rofus
substring ( {0}, 0, 6) ~ 0:Doctor Rofus = Doctor


Returns true if the first text operand contains the second text operand.

contains ( {0}, {1} ) ~ 0:abc, 1:a = True


Returns the number of characters in the text.

length ( {0} ) ~ 0:Hello = 5


Replaces a substring in the first text operand. All matches of the second text operand are replaced with the third text operand.

replace ( {0}, {1}, {2} ) ~ 0:Hello, 1:l, 2:xx = Hexxo


Returns true if the first text operand starts with the second text operand.

startsWith ( {0}, {1} ) ~ 0:Hello, 1:H = True


Returns true if the first text operand ends with the second text operand.

endsWith ( {0}, {1} ) ~ 0:Hello, 1:o = True


Returns true if the first text operand contains a match using the second text operand as a regular expression.

regexIsMatch ( {0}, ‘a.*’ ) ~ 0:abc = True


Replaces a substring in the first text operand. All matches found using the second text operand as regular expression are replaced with the third text operand.

regexReplace ( {0}, ‘l+’, 'X' ) ~ 0:Hello = HeXo


Returns the value of a regular expression group. Group index starts from 1 and defaults to 1 if not given.

regexGroup ( {0}, ‘(1+)’ ) ~ 0:Hello = ll
regexGroup ( {0}, ‘(\\w+)\\s+car') ~ 0:One car red car blue car = One
regexGroup ( {0}, ‘\\w+\\s+(car')) ~ 0:One car red car blue car = car


Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places.

Round ( {0}, 2) ~ 0:3.1415 = 3.14


Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number.

Floor ( {0} ) ~ 0:1.5 = 1


Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number.

Ceiling ( {0} ) ~ 0:1.5 = 2


Calculates the integral part of a number.

Truncate ( {0} ) ~ 0:3.14 = 3


Returns the absolute value of a specified number.

Abs ( {0} ) ~ 0:-1 = 1


Returns the smaller of two numbers.

Min ( {0}, {1} ) ~ 0:-4, 1:23 = -4


Returns the larger of two numbers.

Max ( {0}, {1} ) ~ 0:5, 1:8 = 8


Returns the square root of a specified number.

Sqrt ( {0} ) ~ 0:4 = 2


Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.

Pow ( {0}, 2) ~ 0:3 = 9


Returns e raised to the specified power

Exp ( {0} ) ~ 0:0 = 1


Returns the logarithm of a specified number.

Log ( {0}, 10) ~ 0:1 = 0


Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.

Log10 ( {0} ) ~ 0:1 = 0


Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.

Sign ( {0} ) ~ 0:-10 = -1


Returns the sine of the specified angle.

Sin ( {0} ) ~ 0:0 = 0


Returns the cosine of the specified angle.

Cos ( {0} ) ~ 0:0 = 1


Returns the tangent fo the specified angle.

Tan ( {0} ) ~ 0:0 = 0


Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.

Asin ( {0} ) ~ 0:0 = 0


Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.

Acos ( {0} ) ~ 0:1 = 0


Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.

Atan ( {0} ) ~ 0:0 = 0

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