Categorization of dRofus Attributes
Within the top-left section of the Attribute Configuration Editor, the available dRofus attributes are categorized differently for each type of Configuration as follows:
For dRofus Room <-> Revit Room:
Names and Numbers: Properties of Room(s) under the "Names and Numbers" section.
Groups: Properties of Room(s) under the "Groups" section.
Areas and Measurements: Properties of Room(s) under the "Areas and Measurements" section.
Functional Location: Function Properties to which the Room(s) belong.
Room Data Status & Item List Status: Statuses of the Rooms' Room Data as well as Item List(s). Where Room Template(s) are applicable, all the Room Templates' properties (including "Code") are available.
Room Data: Room Data properties of Room(s).
Item Lists (content): Includes Item Name / Item Number and Name / BIM ID of Item Occurrences within each Item List(s) of the Room(s).
Other: Includes "Has note" for Room(s).
Pictures/Documents: Includes "Has images" / "Has documents" / "Number of Documents" for Room(s).
Log History: Includes "Created by" (username) / "Updated by" (username) / various "Last changed" (dates and times) for Core properties, Room Data properties as well as Item List(s) for Room(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for Room(s).
For dRofus Room Template <-> Revit Room:
Template details: Core properties of Room Template(s) under the "Template details" section.
Groups: Core properties of Room Template(s) under the "Groups" section.
Room Data: Room Data properties of Room Template(s).
Template usage: Includes various "Room count" values - i.e., usage of Room Data as well as Item List(s) by the Room(s).
Pictures/Documents: Includes "Has images" / "Has documents" / "Number of Documents" for Room Template(s).
Log History: Includes "Created by" (username) / "Updated by" (username) / various "Modified" (dates and times) and "Modified by" (username) values for Core properties, Room Data properties and Item List(s) for Room Template(s).
Other: Includes "Has note" for Room Template(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for Room Template(s).
For dRofus System <-> Revit System:
General: Core properties of System(s) + includes "Has documents" / "Number of Documents" / "Number of Occurrences" for System(s).
System Component: Includes all properties of System Component(s) associated with the System(s).
Log History: Includes "Created" (date) / "Created by" (username) / "Created by email" for System(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for System(s).
For dRofus Item Type <-> Revit Family Type:
General: Core properties of Item Type(s) under the "General" section.
Connections: Core properties of Item Type(s) under the "Connections" section.
Classification: Core properties of Item Type(s) under the "Classification" section.
Parts/Subs: "General" Core properties of Sub Item Type(s) that show up in their Main Item Type(s)' Core properties, under the "Parts/Subs" section (applies only when "Sub Item as Properties" has been setup and where "Sub Item Categories" has been mapped against Item Group(s) - Refer section called "Sub Items as Properties" within Sub Items).
Item Data: Item Data properties of Item Type(s).
Occurrence data sums: Summation of Item Occurrence numeric data (of a specific / common unit), resulting in an Item Type data (applies only where there are custom Item Occurrence numeric parameters setup within the Dynamic GUI (Item Occurrences) and they have been assigned with specific units as "Data type").
Pictures/Documents: Includes "Has images" / "Has documents" / "Number of Documents" for Item Type(s).
Other: Includes "Has note" / "Sub Item count" / "Gross quantity" / "Net quantity" / "Number of Occurrences with Product" / " Occurrences in Room Template" for Item Type(s).
Item Groups: "Number" and "Name" values of Item Groups to which the Item Type(s) belong.
Log History: Includes "Created" (date) / "Created by" (username) / "Modified" (date) / "Modified by" (username) / "Status" for Item Type(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for Item Type(s).
For dRofus Item Occurrence <-> Revit Family Instance:
General: All built-in properties of Item Occurrence(s).
Connections: All properties of Room(s) / Item Type(s) / Product(s) / System(s) / Item List(s) / Main Item Type(s) to which the Item Occurrence(s) have association with.
Procurement: All Procurement-related properties of Tender / Agreement / Order to which the Item Occurrence(s) have association with.
Log History: Includes "Created by email" / "Created" (date) / "Created by" (username) / "Updated by email" / "Updated" (date) / "Updated by" (username).
Doors: This is only an example of a custom Flag created within the Dynamic GUI (Item Occurrences), under which various custom Item Occurrence parameters may be setup, all of which will show up under this section.
Approval: This is only an example of a custom Flag created within the Dynamic GUI (Item Occurrences), under which various custom Item Occurrence parameters may be setup, all of which will show up under this section.
Parts/Subs: "General" Core properties of Sub Item Type(s) that show up in their Main Item Type(s)' Core properties, under the "Parts/Subs" section (applies only when "Sub Item as Properties" has been setup and where "Sub Item Categories" has been mapped against Item Group(s) - Refer section called "Sub Items as Properties" within Sub Items).
Other: Includes "Has comment" for Item Occurrence(s).
Pictures/Documents: Includes "Has images" / "Has documents" / "Number of Documents" for Item Occurrence(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for Item(s).
For dRofus Function <-> Revit Area:
General: Core properties of Function(s) under the "General" section.
Function Planner Areas: Core properties of Function(s) under the "Function Planner Areas" section.
Programmed Areas: Core properties of Function(s) under the "Programmed Areas" section.
Designed Areas: Core properties of Function(s) under the "Designed Areas" section.
Functional Location: "Number" and "Name" values of the Function(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for Function(s).
For dRofus Room <-> Revit Space:
Names and Numbers: Core properties of Room(s) under the "Names and Numbers" section.
Groups: Core properties of Room(s) under the "Groups" section.
Areas and Measurements: Core properties of Room(s) under the "Areas and Measurements" section.
Functional Location: Function Core properties to which the Room(s) belong.
Room Data Status & Item List Status: Statuses of the Rooms' Room Data as well as Item List(s). Where Room Template(s) are applicable, all the Room Templates' properties (including "Code") are available.
Room Data: Room Data properties of Room(s).
Item Lists (content): Includes Item Name / Item Number and Name / BIM ID of Item Occurrences within each Item List(s) of the Room(s).
Other: Includes "Has note" for Room(s).
Pictures/Documents: Includes "Has images" / "Has documents" / "Number of Documents" for Room(s).
Log History: Includes "Created by" (username) / "Updated by" (username) / various "Last changed" (dates and times) for Core properties, Room Data properties as well as Item List(s) for Room(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for Room(s).
For dRofus Room Template <-> Revit Space:
Template details: Core properties of Room Template(s) under the "Template details" section.
Groups: Core properties of Room Template(s) under the "Groups" section.
Room Data: Room Data properties of Room Template(s).
Template usage: Includes various "Room count" values - i.e., usage of Room Data as well as Item List(s) by the Room(s).
Pictures/Documents: Includes "Has images" / "Has documents" / "Number of Documents" for Room Template(s).
Log History: Includes "Created by" (username) / "Updated by" (username) / various "Modified" (dates and times) and "Modified by" (username) values for Core properties, Room Data properties and Item List(s) for Room Template(s).
Other: Includes "Has note" for Room Template(s).
Static values: Includes "Last synchronized date" / "Last synchronized date and time" for Room Template(s).