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Import Documents and Images to Item


Documents can på imported to Item by:

1. Open Items module

2. Select “Import/Export” tab

3. Select “Import Item documents”.

4. Select document using the browser icon.

5. If the folder contains sub folders, tick the box "Include sub folders".

The documents must be named either with Item number, Name, BIM ID or Reference. So you need to name your documents like this (If you use Item number as identification): 01.01.001.doc.

If you use a character to separate name and number in the document name, you can identify the character using the "Split filename on" option. Let's say our document are named "My document name-01.01.001.doc". You can insert a hyphen (dash) character to separate name and number:


Import images to Item by:

  1. Opening the Items module

  2. Selecting  “Import/Export” tab

  3. Select “Import Item Images” to Item's.

  4. Select image using the browser icon.

  5. If the folder contains sub folders, tick the box "Include sub folders".

The images must be named either with Item number, Name, BIM ID or Reference. So you need to name your images like this (If you use Item number as identification): 01.01.001.doc.

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