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Room Data Options

Room data Options: Ribbon menu

  • Create unique: Creates a unique Room Data status for the selected Room(s)

  • Create from template: Assigns Room Data data from a Room Template

  • Create derived: Creates a derived Room Data status for the selected Room(s).

  • Copy Room Data from room (two sub-options available)

    • Copy Room Data from room: Copies Room Data information from another Room into the Room(s) you have selected. Options vary according to the Room Data status of the Room (Unique / From Room Template). Any Room Group connections, and classifications will also be copied across.

    • Copy parts of Room Data from room: Copies specific tabs or data fields to the selected Room(s) (select attributes / fields then select From Room).

  • Delete Room Data: Delete Room Data status for selected Room(s).

  • Overwritten values: Displays a list of all derived values in Rooms with Derived Room Data status. A derived value is a value that has overwritten the default Room Template value.

  • Open Template: Opens the Room Template Room Data panel of the Template that the Room is connected to.

  • Go to Template: Opens the Room Template Module and opens the Room Template Room Data that the room is connected to.

Room Data Option:

In the toolbars the following options will be available:

  • Next/Previous buttons: Provides you with Room Data information for the next and previous Rooms in the level you currently have selected.

  • Show log: Opens the log information panel for the selected Room 

  • Print: Displays a selection of relevant PDF reports.

  • Overwritten values: Displays a list of all derived values in rooms with Derived Room Data status. A derived value is a value that has been overwritten from the room template value.

  • Room Data status: Provides options to change the Room's Room Data status

  • View filter: Changes Room Data view filter.

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