Items, occurrences, products, systems, or rooms can be assigned pre-defined Status values to track their work process. These Status values provide an overview of the progress for each item.
For instance, if there is a need to record the specification process for items, it can be helpful to have an indicator for:
Items that are still undergoing specification.
Items that have been specified but are yet to be verified.
Items that have been accepted as complete by the building end users.
By assigning Status values, such information can be indicated. The same or different Status sets can be utilized for occurrences and/or products, and these can be assigned independently from the items' Status.
In the provided example, additional Product Statuses are introduced specifically for suppliers who must document the product for maintenance and operations. These Product Statuses include:
In Specification
Specification Finished
To set up the Status fields and sets for the project, it is the responsibility of the dRofus Administrator. The provided sample example can be found in the navigation panel under the "Item specification process" tab.

In the previously mentioned example, the project's Administrator has included the "Workflow status" tab as a valid Status set for Systems, Items, Occurrences, and Products. Additionally, specific Status sets have been assigned to different categories, such as "Item specification process" for items only, "Product workflow" for products only, and "Project milestones" for occurrences only. For instructions on how to add a new Status tab and Status Set, please refer to the "Status set-up" section bellow.
When working within the Items Modules, the Status field(s) will be displayed in the Properties Panel under the Status section. In our example, both the Item and Products views will showcase distinct Status fields under the Status section.


To view all Products with status "01- Ready for documentation";
1. Select the "Product workflow" tab in the navigation panel
2. Select the Status (here: 01 - Ready for documentation").
Make sure the product panel is open to see the list of relevant products.
Statuses can be used as a criteria for extraction in Item and Occurrence reports, and can be displayed as an additional field in these reports.
Sequential Status Sets
A Status Set can be configured to follow a sequential order, meaning that when an issue is currently at a specific Status (e.g., in the Product workflow as mentioned earlier), users will only have the ability to transition the issue to a higher Status within the workflow. They will not be able to set the issue to a lower Status.
If it becomes necessary to assign a lower Status to an object in a sequential Status Set, only the Administrator possesses the permissions to do so.
The determination of whether a Status Set is sequential or not is controlled through the settings for each individual status. A sequential Status Set can be modified to become non-sequential, and vice versa.
Milestone status
The system allows for the designation of specific Status Sets as milestones, which enables the inclusion of a due date. This feature is typically employed to facilitate the extraction of items approaching their respective due dates across various milestones. The due date setting is available within the status set configuration and can only be modified by the Administrator.
An example of a milestone set:

Searching for all occurrences due before a certain date:

Status set-up
Project Administrator rights is required to set up status.

Add status:
Open Settings under “Project and database administrations” settings
Select Project
Select "Status"
Press "Add" to open window bellow
"Name" - will end up as the name of the work process (eg. "Product workflow")
"Is sequential" - Selecting this, means that a user only can select the statuses that are further out in the process than the current status. Only the Admin can go back in a process.
"For systems" - "For items" - "For occurrences" - "For Documents" - "For products" - concerns what this work process should be set up for. Please note that if both Items and Occurrences are selected here, there will be separate statuses on Items and Occurrences, as described above.
"Has due date" - enables a date field on the status.
Select “ok”
To set up stauts fields:
1. Go into the Items Navigation Panel.
2. Select status tab
2. Select “New” within the Ribbon menu
For example, to add a new step - closed - to the Item specification process, the user has selected "New" at the top right, to add the properties of the status "06 - closed":

Once a Status has been added, it can immediately be used by all who have access to the database.