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Existing Items PDF Report

Existing Items, one page per Component. Only placed items are included.


Reg. No: Filters report to only show Existing Items with the number specified in this field

Status: Filters report to only show Existing Items with the 'Status' specified in this field

Item Group: Shows Items in the specified Item Group

Replaces Item: Choose Item to replace

Room: Filter by Room

Include Items not placed in a Room: When checked, this report will include the items that are not placed in Rooms

Report Setup

Include Notes/ Comments: If checked, report will show Notes

Include Item Data: If checked, report will include item data. 

Include Document List: Room Data report will include a list of documents linked to the Item

Include PDF documents as images: This feature renders PDF documents as SVG images and places them in the Report

Report Output

The example report below is filtering down to the FF&E Item Group and Includes Item Data.

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