Items in Item List Templates PDF Report
In this report each Item List Template will report a list of all Items in each Template.
Template: Filters report data to a templates from a specific template type.
Room Classification/Status: Filter report to only show specified Rooms Classifications or Status
Item List: Filters report data to show templates associated to a selected item list.
ASE: Only shows Architecturally Significant Items
Report Setup
Without Price: Removes price from the items in the template
Include Notes / Comments: Shows notes related to the template. The notes will show below the header of the report.
Include Rooms with Item Lists from Template : Reports a list of rooms that use the Item List Template
Include Log: Includes Log data from the Template
Order Occurrences by: Options to order the occurrences: BIM ID, Item Name, Item Number, and Reference.
Report Output
The output of the report Items in Item List Templates shows an Item list template that includes rooms with item list from template, with occurrences ordered by Item Number.