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Generating PDF Batch Reports

PDF batch reporting allows you to create individual reports for each entity you report. An entity can be a room, room template, template, Item or material. Say you want to create one PDF report for each room in a room function. You select the Room Data Sheet report, select the room function and then change the output format from PDF to PDF Batch in More options;

When the PDF Batch report is started, a web page showing you the progress will be shown in your default browser. All the individual PDF files will be created on the server and added to a zip file. The zip file will be automatically opened when the report is finished.

Customizing the naming of files

You can configure the naming of individual files. By default, file names use the entity number, such as the room function number for rooms, room templates, and finishes, or the item number for items. However, this can be customized.

For example, if your project uses a special numbering scheme for rooms, such as an extra Room Properties field, you can create a saved report and configure it to use this scheme. This process involves manipulating the report static choice code.

For detailed guidance, refer to this support QA article: dRofus Support QA Article.

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