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Deprecated Room List PDF Report

This report list of all rooms in the project, ordered by function and room function number with name, description, comments, and areas. The report will generate in Landscape orientation. 

This report has been replaced with Room List PDF Report


Room Function: Filter report to only show Rooms from the specified Room Function

Room Classification/Status: Filter report to only show the Rooms from the specified Classification or Status

Room Group: Filter report to only show the Rooms from the specified Room Group

Room Function Number: Filter report to only specified Rooms

Room Number: Shows Items in Room from the specified Room Number value. Use '*' as wildcard for one or more arbitrary characters and '_' as wildcard for one arbitrary character

Room Data: Filter room to include specific Room Data fields

Include Deleted Rooms: When checked the report will list Rooms marked as deleted

Report Setup

Add/ Remove Columns: This feature gives flexibility to include additional columns, customize the order of the columns, add a custom header, and ability to specify the width of each column 

Include Notes/ Comments: Includes Notes and Comments

Only Rooms with Notes: Filters down report to only report Rooms with Notes

Include Area Sums:Includes Department Area Sum in Report

Order by: Specify the Room order. Rooms can be ordered by Additional Number, Item List Status, Room Data Status, Room Function Number, Room Name, Room Number, User Room Number. 

Report Output

The Room List report that was generated below, was filtered to the 01 function, and room list ordered by Room Number. 

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