Overview of Reports and Exports
Any PDF Report or Excel Export can be tagged as a favorite report. Select “Add favorite” in the top right of any report to make it your favorite. Select “Add shared favorite” to share it with others AND make it a favorite for anyone on your project. Go to Favorites to learn more about this feature.
We have over 60+ built-in reports as a starting point to start customizing them to your project-specific needs. They are grouped by folders based on the data source they are meant to report upon. This page is a guide to that structure. Go to PDF Reports to explore the different built-in reports and Report options.
Project Reports
When any report is saved to a project, it will show under Project Reports. Unless they are also shared, these reports are only available to you and project admins. Check the "Shared" box when saving a report to make it available to everyone on the project. Go to Project Reports to learn more about this feature.
Room Templates
Reports relate to room templates that combine Room Data and Item Lists. Go to Room Templates PDF Reports to learn more about these reports.
Reports relate to templates not combining Room Data with Item Lists. Go to Templates PDF Reports to learn more about these reports.
Reports relate to rooms and related information, including functions and groups. Room lists with total area, Room Data, finishes, equipment lists, and logs.
Room Details is the most popular Room report, which includes rooms, room data, and item list occurrences. Go to Room PDF Reports to learn more about these reports.
Reports relate to items, item groups, existing items, item lists, and cost calculations of occurrences by different summaries.
Item Details is the most popular Item report, which includes items, item data, and item list occurrences. Go to Items PDF Reports to learn more about these reports.
Reports related to procurement and purchasing of equipment.
Reports related to products.
Deprecated Reports
When new reports are created with more modern methods of filtering and customization that replace older reports, we move the older reports to this location. These reports are still supported, but no new features will be added.
Learn more about other reports and features:
You can export any data from dRofus to Excel. However, not all data can be exported to the same sheet in the Excel file. To learn how to export data to multiple sheets (tabs) in Excel, please go to Advanced Configuration.
The commonly used Excel exports are available from Reports and exports → Excel reports. A short list of the most frequently used Excel exports is available when you expand the Excel exports tree view. If you need other data sets for export, then you can find the complete list of available data sources by selecting More... at the bottom of the list;
All seven commonly used Excel exports come with a predefined set of fields included in the export.
These can be regarded as a starting point for further export customization, as you can remove and add fields to suit your requirements.
The image below shows an example taken from the Rooms export with a set of pre-defined fields included:
Please note that export may take some time, and it may be beneficial to make some restrictions if you do not need all of the data available.