Terms commonly used in dRofus for quick and easy reference:
Term | Definition | See more in the wiki |
Administrator | A user who has the rights to change the basic structures of the projects such as other users' access, classification hierarchies and status sets, project-specific fields, etc | |
Attribute Configuration | Indicates what can and should link when data flows from and Add-On (Archicad, Revit) to dRofus and/or vice versa during synchronization | |
BIM Administrator | User responsible for setting up the connections between dRofus and other bim tools like Archicad, Revit and IFC | |
Budget/ Budget group | Categorization defined per project to separate Items into different groups for pricing-related purposes. Examples: "AV - Audiovisual equipment", "BEQ - Building equipment", "FUR - Furniture" | |
Client | The software used in windows to access dRofus data | |
Constructor | Replaced term - See Principal Company | |
Copy Project | Creates a complete copy of the project with all Rooms and Functions in the same database. Useful for e.g. exploring different options/alternatives. Since the Room Function number can't be duplicated inside a database, it is useful to give the Room a prefix since it then will keep the Room serial, or else it will use the next. | |
Database | The storage structure that is used to contain your data, we use it to describe a dRofus installation for a given customer. There can be several projects in one database | |
Delivery | Orders created in the Procurement module can be transferred to the Delivery module and the Items can be split into individual instances for attaching unique data such as registration and serial numbers | |
Delivery Rights | This will restrict which user rights users will have (write, read, or no access to the module) | |
Designed area | Area as defined in the design tool. Unless specified it is the designed net Room area | |
Destroy | Statement to delete an existing database in the server | |
Element | Used as a common name for Rooms, Items, occurrences, components, systems, or products | |
Equipment | Replaced term - See Item | |
Equipment list | Replaced term - See Item List | |
Excel Exports | Locate in Report and Export, this gives you the ability to generate and customize exported data from your projects. | |
Existing Items | The list located in the Items Module includes the name of the device and its status (such as whether the device is worthless or could be used), any links to Items and Rooms if registered and other central information | |
Family | Modeled element in Revit that represents an object, it may contain definitions for several Family Types | |
Family Type | A variant which may be contained within the Family with different values for some or all properties of the basic Family | |
FF&E | Furniture, Fixture and Equipment Replaced term - See Item | |
Field | A container in the database where a value can be found or placed. For example "Room number" is a field that can contain the value "001". Replaces "Attribute" | |
Finishes | The visible surface of building material such as a wall or slab. | |
Flag | Any field that can have a very limited set of pre-chosen values often referred to regarding the setup of dynamic GUI | |
Function | A level in a Function Structure to organize Rooms like departments | |
Function Data | This is any data that is entered within the Function tree | |
Function Structure | The organizational structure of Functions for Rooms and Item | |
Graphical Function Planner | a module used to visually plan Functions and Rooms in a project and can create, edit and delete Functions and Rooms, define programmed areas and the detailed requirements for the Rooms | |
Gross/Net Area | Formula to define non-program space and accounts for non-usable space like walls, vertical penetrations, and circulation | |
Group | A collection of objects, most used for a collection of Rooms but can also be used for other collections | |
Group Type | Replaced term - Room Group Type | |
IFC | Industry Foundation Classification - format for model exchanges | |
Instance | Is the individual element that is placed in the project model with a unique location | |
Is Used | Used in connection with Items. Checks if an Item has at least one occurrence, interpreted as that Item being "used" in a Room or other setting. An alternative is that it is not used, i.e. is a specification only | |
Item | A specification of an object that can be placed in a Room or space in a building, for example, "chair" or "wood panel" | |
Item Data | On an Item, it is possible to add project-specific fields that are usually used to specify requirements for Items. This set of fields is called "Item data". They have a corresponding Function to "RDS - Room Data" for Rooms | |
Item Data tab | The sub-headers usually created in Item Data to more easily separate the different concepts used, visually displayed in the dRofus client behind tabs. Examples can be "Description", "Doors", "Plumbing" etc. See also View filters | |
Item group | The organizational structure of Items, similar to Items what a Function tree is for Rooms | Article level |
Item List | A collection of Items that go into a Room. See Template Types to understand how to build a standard list of Items or Finishes that can be applied to a Room. | |
Item List Template | A template for a specific Item list for a Room, for example, the furniture list for a standard 2-person office | |
Item Module | The section of dRofus where Items and occurrences are managed | |
Item Rights | Indicates a user's access level to work with Items | |
Modelserver Rights | Indicates a user's access level to work with Modelserver | |
Module | The sections of the software - some managed by permission to work on different parts of a project database | |
Occurrence | A specific representation of one or more Items that can be placed in a Room or a space, for example "the 5 office chairs in meeting Room 001". They are usually mostly consisting of information about what Item describes them (eg. "01.001 office chair") and the Room they are placed in (001 Meeting Room"). They can also be components in an engineering system, eg. "0301.065 Connection purified water to IVC" | |
Owners | Owners can be used as a way to organize projects so that customers that are running multiple projects can use this information as another level of access and permissions | |
Owner Administrator | dRofus' admin system is divided into separate owners. Customers that are running several projects can have their own owner partition on the server. An owner administrator will be able to see all databases associated with the owner and will be able to edit user access in all of them. | |
Panel | One of the "windows" that can be seen when one opens a module. For example, the "Rooms" list that will always be present when one opens Rooms or the "Properties" panel that can show much of the detail on the Room | |
Primary Connector | the System Components main relationship to a Primary System | |
Principal Company | The company that is the primary lead on a project | |
Procurement | A module used to manage the planned Items through all steps in the procurement process and can control which Items to be purchased, and in which Rooms the Items to be located, whether they are in tender, offer, agreement, or order status | |
Procurement Rights | Indicates a user's access level to work with Procurement | |
Project Administrator | A designated Project Administrator has the required permissions to create users, delete users, and set user rights for users. | |
Projects | In dRofus, this term is used to name the full collection of objects visible when you log in. It is possible to set up several projects on the same database that will share Items but have separate Rooms and occurrences. "Project" summaries in dRofus will include all data from this same collection of objects | |
Properties Panel | Display and hide panels in the interface. Hover the cursor over the icons to display the names of the panels. In the Room List, for example, you can choose to show the Room Data Sheet data, or Items in Room as panels instead of having to open the Room Properties. The panels update as you switch from one selection to another. | |
Punch Lists | a web-based system to communicate observations and comments during construction site visits between the Client (or project manager) and the Contractor on a building project | |
RDS Template | A template for a Room specification that can be used for many Rooms that will require a similar specification, for example, "office for 2 persons" | |
Report and Exports Module | The section of dRofus where one can find templates for and can create reports and exports | |
Report Server | generates reports centrally on request from the client program and takes place on a server, as at times reports can require significant hardware resources | |
Reports | dRofus offers several types of reports which are suited for print-out, storage or distribution via email. All reports are generated in PDF, Excel. XML or RTF format on the web, the reports are in CSV format. | |
Responsibility Groups | Items can be assigned to a responsibility group such as "IARC - Interior architect". A user can then be given special rights to access this responsibility group (user right IARC), and so will be able to change Items or occurrences in this responsibility group but not in another responsibility groups (eg. "ENG - Engineer") | |
Ribbon | The set of commands that are shown on the top of the screen in most of the dRofus modules. The commands are usually displayed as a combination of icon and text, for example, "Open Room" | |
Room | An object that contains high-level info, specification and equipment (Items) for one specific area in a building, limited by a set of walls | |
Room core | The high-level (general) information on a Room. Examples are Room name, Room Function number and Room number. Found under the heading "General" or "Properties" | |
Room Data Sheet (RDS) | Information about a Room | |
Room Data tab | The sub-headers usually created in Room Data to more easily separate the different concepts used, visually displayed in the dRofus client behind tabs. Examples can be "Description", "Windows and doors", "Plumbing" etc. Can be changed on a per-project basis. See also View filters | |
Room Group | Collection of Rooms by Room Group Type | |
Room Group Type | Concepts for placing Rooms in different containers. The Room Group Types can be defined on a per-project basis. Usually, such concepts as "Building" (as in "Building A, Building B") and Level (as in "Ground floor, First floor") are defined by Room Group | |
Room Module | The section of dRofus where Rooms are managed | |
Room Rights | Indicates a user's access level to work with Rooms | |
Room template | A collection of templates for Rooms which consists of at least an RDS, but also can include one or several Item list templates | |
Room Template Module | The section of dRofus where Room templates are managed | |
Run Task | This is an action that can be performed as part of the Admin User Functions | |
Server Administrator | A user can become a Server Administrator when he/she is managing their own server. The features that are only available to server admins are Owners, Emails, and Inactive Users. | |
System Rights | Indicates a user's access level to the system | |
Tab | See Room Data tab, Item Data tab | |
Technical Information Database (TIDA) | The separate database field set that was used to organize systems and components in previous versions of dRofus | |
Template for Room | A dRofus template that is used for Rooms, either a Room template, an RDS template or an Item list template | |
Tender Group | This will restrict which tender groups the user will have access to (both read and write) | |
User Group | If you have a group of users that needs identical access levels to a database you can use the concept of User Groups to more effectively manage their access. | |
User Log | Specific to a given user, the database administrator will be able to see when and with which client the user has recently logged in. | |
User Permissions | dRofus allows highly complex user permission sets to be set up, controlling Functions ranging from administrators who set up the database to those who only need to view a little of the data | |
User Profile | These are the settings that a user is able to populate that identify their name, company, and role | |
Users | dRofus users are the people who are given permission to use dRofus for any purpose. We encourage those who set up dRofus to include one person = one user, as that gives the logs much higher quality - when one needs to find out from the logs what has been changed by whom in the project | |
View filter | Setup option to restrict the tabs (Item Data tabs or Room Data tabs) visible to the user | |
Web App | The dRofus web solution that can be opened by anyone with access to dRofus client, using the same username and password. The web app is available when one has selected an object by clicking on "Open - open in dRofus web" in the ribbons | |
Without Price | The "Budget price" field will not show up on a report if this selection is marked |